Fitness time gym is a place where people go to train and exercise, but also to unwind, socialize, and recharge. Therefore, a good gym is a facility that promotes physical activity, provides a safe, functional, and comfortable workout environment, and creates a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere for recreation and socialization

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Our advantage

  • Certified Trainers
  • Private Trainer session
  • Sauna&Steam sessions
  • Body analysis
  • Mixed
  • Freezing days
  • invitations
  • CrossFit area

Our Rules

  • No one not participating in the gym is allowed.
  • No shooting in the gym at all, especially women's training areas.
  • Denial of membership policy within the first 3 days of subscription payment.
  • Respect for sharing hardware and equipment with members and preserving the decent method A gym is a common good for all its members and attendees.
  • If membership is transferred from one customer to another, 50 EGP is paid.
  • Attending Classes With Pre-Reservation at Reception.
  • Respect The weights should be repositioned after training.
  • For your own safety, the gym is 24-hour surveillance by cameras.
  • Members must be the commitment and regulations within the spa area.